Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Is About To End
Elizabeth Warren began her campaign with the energy and support of a potential front runner. With the issues surrounding her Native American heritage claims and the disproportion attention it had garnered behind her, she launched her campaign for the Democratic Nomination and the Presidency. Ideologically she positioned herself between Bernie Sanders and the centrist candidates. In terms of messaging she presented herself as a hard working, mother of two who had to struggle and earn (both monetarily and otherwise) her way up to being a United States Senator.
Initially this all worked. Her saying, “I have a plan for that” popularised her and her campaign — it even achieved the pop culture ‘Meme Status’. At the end of 2019, she even had around $25 million cash on hand, second only to Bernie Sanders among the non-billionaire candidates. She performed brilliantly in the debates by effectively positioning herself as the most ready and the most prepared amongst the candidates. Her personal story and connection through voters with ‘selfie lines’ created a strong base of support for her. However, by mid November, due to a combination of Bernie Sanders raise in popularity and Warren’s campaign stalling in their messaging and organizing, she slipped in the National polls to third place.