Horseshoe Politics

Abhinav Dholepat
3 min readJan 22, 2020

Why Our Views On Traditional Political Ideology Must Adapt

A Political Wordcloud

Political views have traditionally been placed into two sides, the ‘left’ and ‘right’. This way of thinking has dominated the political punditry and rhetoric. Accusations of being ‘far-right’, ‘far-left’ or a mere ‘centrist’ have developed into words that are expected to be self evident accusations and mockery that are used to gain political points.

Don't get me wrong, being ‘Far-right’ or ‘Far-left’ deserves a certain level of criticism. However, the point here is not whether having extreme political views should be justified or equalized in any way with other political thoughts. The point is how we use these words and increasingly how these words have come to require no explanation or further clarification. Additionally, the general public have come to detach themselves from the actual meaning or implication of having a ‘far-right’ or ‘far-left’ ideology become mainstream.

Even the words ‘left’ and ‘right’ wing come from a fundamental assumption that the political spectrum can be explained on a straight line segment. With ideas of liberalism, socialism and communism on the left; while conservativism, populism, ethno-nationalism and fascism on the right. Although it represents the political ideologies on a spectrum, this type of representation fails to convey either an intent or more importantly the…

