Super Tuesday — Mike Bloomberg Is Out

Abhinav Dholepat
3 min readMar 4, 2020

Its All In On Joe Now

Biden and Sanders on the Debate Stage

Super Tuesday brought about surprising developments. Although sanders was projected to win big on super Tuesday, late endorsements combined with the dropping out Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar allowed Joe Biden carry a late surprise momentum to win big in the super Tuesday states. In just the past four days, Joe Biden has managed to gain 30+ endorsements from local congressmen and women. The most important however, came today in Mike Bloomberg, who after a dismal performance (in proportion to his spending) has quit and endorsed Joe Biden.

Bloomberg quits and endorses Biden Via Twitter

However, a Bloomberg endorsement does not simply mean an endorsement. If Bloomberg is serious about his spending and backing the nominee, then Joe Biden can be very confident in the outcome of this nomination process. Bloomberg has managed to organise and hire staff across the United States like no other candidate. He has hired about 2 400 paid staff members, paid them premium salaries and offered luxurious perks. According to Julia Marsh of the New York Post,

“Bloomberg is paying state press secretaries $10,000 a month, compared to the average going rate of $4,500 for other candidates and state…

